Tuesday, December 18, 2012

In the wake of the shootings.

Let’s get real here. All the conservatives are up on their soap boxes yelling 2nd amendment at the tops of their lungs after the deaths of these children, some started before the bodies even had a chance to cool off. But if I chime in with my opinion I am being insensitive to the victims by politicizing this event. The same asshats, who screamed Benghazi at us for months now, have a moral compass on how to treat death in a political environment? How long are we going to let these people hide behind their fake security blanket while lives are being lost? And I mean security blanket because that’s what it is; it’s nothing more secure than a blanket. It offers no more protection than the TSA does at the airport doing random searches of dark skinned minorities and the occasional Grandma to piss people off. It’s an illusion of security and while the TSA has yet to find a single terrorist, the right to easily purchase assault weapons has saved no lives, NONE.

I understand their view, we need to be able to protect ourselves, and the 2nd amendment includes protection even from our own government. Now here is where the reality needs to set in. Do we have the right to unmanned armed aerial drones, GPS guided missiles, heavy artillery, military aircraft, aircraft carriers, high flying surveillance aircraft and satellites, and nuclear submarines? Do we have the ability to turn off the global GPS system with the flip of the switch, direct EMP pulses to disable the electric grid, switch off the internet at the sign of threat? No, we don’t have any of those things as individuals, these things are left in the hands of our military. I know the thinking is that “something” is better than “nothing”, but the truth is that if it came down to it, even if every person in the USA had access to an assault rifle the government could easily shut down any resistance, if it wanted to, in no time at all. They have had this ability for some time now and here we are as a nation still clinging to our weapons so we won’t be left just sucking our thumbs in comfort.

Ironically it’s the same republicans that want to spend trillions more on our military, who want to let us keep our assault rifles. Therein lays the problem, if they really want us to have protection from our own government then why are they pushing to expand its power in the first place? We already spend 3 times the budget of the next most powerful military. We spend more on it than the next 9 countries combined. I think a powerful military is great, keeps other countries on their toes but if you think you and your AR15 are going to save your town from a tyrannical U.S.A. dictator (which is what conservatives seem to truly think Obama is) then you are lying to yourself. It’s a joke, except for the fact it’s just sad.

We need to rethink our system and come up with a series of regulations to combat these problems. I know statistically that my chances of dying from a gun wound are slim to none, but the chances of dying from a terrorist attack are even less, by a huge margin. You are more likely to die from hurrying down the stairs, driving a car, visiting a hospital and walking through the woods then being attacked by a terrorist. But that didn’t stop us from starting 2 long expensive wars and creating the useless TSA, which is a violation of our rights in its own regard.

We need to fix the system we have of purchasing guns, if it inconveniences a few rednecks I’m not sorry. Because if it saves at least one child’s life then it is worth it, wait in line for your mental health check Billy Bob. We all saw you tweeting about how the president and Democrats should be killed after he was elected, now get the hell out of here and hand over the rest of the guns you have you lunatic! No offense to any Billy Bobs out there who actually have half a brain. I would love to start getting calls from my local authorities doing background checks asking me questions on my buddies and neighbors and if I thought they were mentally inept and should own an assault rifle. The burden of proof should be on us to prove if thought they shouldn’t own such a weapon, I couldn’t say my neighbor couldn’t have one because his dog barks nonstop all night and that he sometimes leaves his trash bins out after the dump truck leaves. It would have to be legit, with documentation or eyewitness accounts to block his eligibility. This is what I consider common sense gun laws, nobody is controlling our weapons, we just need to keep them out of certain people’s hands. I think if you want to purchase an assault weapon you should have to provide proof they will be locked up securely to a set standard, they should know who else will have access to these weapons. All this with a basic background check, and mental health check would be leaps and bounds ahead of what we have going on right now. Will it stop all the killings, of course not, but at least it’s a step in the right direction. Inactivity has done nothing for us so far and we should at least try to do something.

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